The Fourth Estate Membership Program

To mark its fourth anniversary, the Coachella Valley Journalism Foundation invites you to join its Fourth Estate Membership Program. While the U.S. Constitution established the executive, legislative and judicial branches, the phrase Fourth Estate reflects the unofficial but widely accepted role the news media play in providing citizens with information they can use to hold the government accountable.

In America, the president reigns for four years, and journalism governs forever and ever. — Oscar Wilde

Funds raised through the Fourth Estate Membership Program will support Valley news organizations by:

Providing funds to pursue in-depth investigative and watchdog reporting. The result: reporting on issues critical to Valley residents.

Underwriting the Desert Sun’s Opinion Editor position to preserve the editorial content that provides an important forum to discuss community issues.

Developing the next generation of journalists by placing interns/fellows with local news teams to receive
on-the-job training.

Supporting the career development of local journalists through training and professional development programs.

Current Members of the Fourth Estate Program

The Coachella Valley Journalism Foundation wants to express our deepest appreciation to the individuals who have made donations to CVJF that qualify them as Fourth Estate members.

We accept new members at any time, and membership runs for one year from the time you pledge your donation, making you eligible for benefits at whatever membership level for which you qualify.


  • Peter DiBrito and Bruce Swinton
  • Bob and Lori Dickey
  • Barbara and Keith Kizziah
  • Chuck Leachman and Mickey Feigelson
  • Randy Lovely and John Sallot


  • Greg and Kyla Burton
  • David Cantwell
  • Ken Chavez and Randy Bissett
  • Derek Evan and Mike Marron
  • Christine Hughes
  • Erin LaCombe
  • Ricardo and Jennifer Loretta
  • Julie Makinen
  • Rob Moon and Bob Hammack
  • Randy Quebec
  • Bob Wenick and Nan Shipp


  • Denys Arcuri
  • Cary Brazeman
  • Robert Drake
  • Janice Lyle
  • Colin Wright and Toby Bryan


  • Christian Alcocer
  • Larry L. Bye
  • Debra Cusmano
  • Michael and Joan Doyle
  • Pete Elting and Wes Freas
  • Brad Fuhr
  • Stuart Kent
  • Barbara Kerr
  • Tom Kirk
  • Rita Lamb
  • John Lindner
  • Don and Sammie Lee Lingle
  • Joan C. Martin
  • Liz Nelson
  • Robert F. Nunes Jr
  • Karl Olson
  • Tom Pogue
  • Matt Toledo
  • Pamela Watson and Becky Eustice
  • Charly Zukow and John Ferrara

"Guardians" of the Fourth Estate

Donation of at least $2,500.

  • A table to the annual Hall of Fame luncheon with preferred seating.
  • Ongoing recognition in marketing and promotion materials.
  • Ongoing recognition on CVJF website.
  • Invitation to at least four donor-exclusive events a year.

Renews annually.

"Defenders" of the Fourth Estate

Donation of at least $1,000.

  • Two tickets to the annual Hall of Fame luncheon.
  • Ongoing recognition in marketing and promotion materials.
  • Ongoing recognition on CVJF website.
  • Invitation to at least two donor-exclusive events a year.

Renews annually.

"Supporters" of the Fourth Estate

Donation of at least $40 a month ($480 annually).

  • Ongoing recognition on CVJF website.
  • Invitation to at least one donor-exclusive event a year.

Renews annually.

"Protectors" of the Fourth Estate

Donation of at least $40 a year for working journalists.

  • Donors may also designate a journalist they want to sponsor.

Renews annually.