CVJF Major Supporters
The Coachella Valley Journalism Foundation is grateful for the broad support it has received from the community. With donations ranging from $10 to more than $10,000, our work is not possible without your support. Our average donation is about $350.
To donate, please click on the link at the top of this page or send a check to the Coachella Valley Journalism Foundation at the address at the bottom of this page. We acknowledge our top donors:
The Desert Community News Fund at Inland Empire Community Foundation
Desert Community Foundation/First Bank
Bob and Lori Dickey
Gannett Foundation
Randy Lovely and John Sallot
Jordan Schnitzer/Harold & Arlene Schnitzer CARE Foundation
Court Moe
City of Rancho Mirage
Fred Bell/Palm Springs Air Museum
Cary Brazeman
Chuck Champion/California Newspaper Publishers Association
City of Palm Springs
Carl Cohn
Ricardo Loretta
Fred Noble/Wintec Energy
Joe Wallace
Greg and Kyla Burton
College of the Desert Foundation
The Desert Sun
Peter DiBrito and Bruce Swinton
Greater Palm Springs Realtors
Christine Hughes
Barbara and Keith Kizziah
Erin LaCombe/CV Strategies
Chuck Leachman and Mickey Feigelson
Julie Makinen
Karen Miller
Dan Adams
Advancing DHS
Mary Bono
Dave Cantwell
Ken Chavez and Randy Bissett
City of Indio
Coachella Valley Economic Partnership
Derek Evan and Mike Marron
Rick Green
Linda Holmes
Randall Jackson
Michael Craft Johnson
Frank Jones/Palm Springs Life
Charles “Stuart” Kent
Janice Lyle
Ed and Sallie Manassah
Rob Moon and Bob Hammack
Steve Pfeiffer and Anne Cooke
Steven Niethamer
Randolph Quebec
Stevan Rich
Steven Schmid
Jerry Upham/KESQ
Walter Clark Legal Group
Bob Wernick and Nan Shipp
Jimmy Boegle and Garrett Dangerfield
Jann Buller
Robert W. Drake
Peter Elting and Wes Freas
Brad Fuhr/Gay Desert Guide/KGAY
Stephen Nidetz
Nancy Westerholm
Chris Andersen
Elizabeth Avery
Annette Bloch
Daniel and Kelley Bourgoise
John P. Cole
Lauren Del Sarto
Michael and Joan Doyle
Will and Scott Garrick-Stettaford
David Gillin
Denise Goolsby
Dan Jessup/Jessup Auto Plaza
Kathleen Kelly
Michelle Krans
Don and Sammie Lee Lingle
Gary Manchester and Nancy H. Zieg
Larry P. and Bobbie Morris
Keira Nothaft
Paul Phillips
Rancho Mirage Library Foundation
Michael V. Smith
Pam Watson and Betsy Eustice
Tim Wood and Jim Scheibel
Colin Wright and Toby Bryan
Jeff Zorn
Joan Behrmann
Robert Beukema and Ken Mosesian
Peter Boone and Kevin Carr
Larry Bye
Susan E Cardine
Cynthia and Mark Chalachan
Jan Cronquist
Debbie Cusmano
Marge Dodge
Gary Gardner
Bruce Fessier
Randy Florence
David and Marlene Foster
Gloria Franz
Alan Gitlin
Linda and Gordon Holt
Rosalind and Earl Hoover
Richard King
Rita Lamb
John Lindner
Joan C. Martin
Nyron McLean
Patty Michalski
Karl Olson
Thomas Pogue
Jamie Lee Pricer
Douglas Prochaska
Martha Richmond
Stacy Sullivan
Ken Tebbetts
Nan Upin
Roger Wallenstein
Linda Williamson
Chris Woodyard
Charly Zukow and John Ferrera
How to help
All contributions are tax-deductible. CVJF is a 501(c)3 organization! Our IRS EIN# is 85-2800545.
Make your check payable to the Coachella Valley Journalism Foundation and send it to CVJF, PO Box 207, Palm Springs, CA 92263.
Or click the “Donate” button on this page to contribute using a credit or debit card.
A receipt will be provided.
To volunteer your expertise on our board or on a committee, and for more information,
send an email to
Thank you!